The Effect of Career Development and Employee Involvement on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable at the Aceh Population Registration Office
*Dedek Wahyuli, Hamdi Harmen, & Halimatussakdiah
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study aims to examine the career development and employee involvement contribution to employee performance through job satisfaction at the Aceh Population Registration Office. The population is Aceh Population Registration Office employees with a total of 81 people. The number of respondents was determined by the census method where the entire population members were the respondents in this study. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires. Data were analyzed using SEM-AMOS. The results reveal that in Aceh Population Registration Office the career development, employee involvement, satisfaction, and the employee performance are good, career development affects satisfaction, involvement affects satisfaction, career development affects the Office’s employee performance, employee involvement affects the Office’s employee performance, satisfaction affects the Office’s employee performance, career development affects the Office’s employee performance through satisfaction, and involvement affects the Office’s employee performance through Satisfaction. The findings also explain satisfaction as a partial mediator in the model. The result explains the employee performance improvement model of the Aceh Population Registration Office is a function of increasing satisfaction based on career development and employee involvement.
Keywords: Career Development, Employee Involvement, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance.
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